A2 CC RSH Homework
See Announcements
for problem set hints
For however long that we are learning remotely, here is the plan:
1. I will give an assignment each day. Some will include a video to watch. Others simply a written assignment.
2. You will upload to google classroom (join code nugguyb), your completed homework assignments. You can save your notability as a pdf or take a picture of anything that you've handwritten and submit that.
****If two or more students submit identical files, none(neither) of you will receive credit for that assignment. Please consider that before sharing your work with others or asking others to share work with you. It's ok to collaborate, but please turn in your own work****
3-18-20 1. Get notes "A2RH Exponential Modeling with Percent Growth and Decay"
2. Watch Exponential Modeling with Percent Growth and Decay.
3. Complete hw section (problems 1-9)
3-10-20 Complete "solving logarithmic and exponential equations and review"
3-9-20 Finish "logarithmic functions -- classwork # 4"
3-6-20 Finish "logarithmic functions -- classwork # 3"
3-5-20 From "logarithmic functions -- classwork # 3" do # 1-27
3-4-20 Complete "logarithmic functions -- homework # 2"
3-3-20 Complete "logarithmic functions -- homework # 1"
Finish problem set 13
3-2-20 Complete "Exponential functions and transformations homework"
Finish problem set 13
2-28-20 Complete "A2CC RSH practice with sequences"
Continue working on problem set 13
2-27-20 Complete "A2CC RSH practice with arithmetic and geometric series and sequences2"
Start working on problem set 13
2-26-20 Complete "A2CC RSH practice with arithmetic and geometric series and sequences"
2-25-20 1. From UM III Ch 15 and Practice (593-688). pg 613-614 do # 1-25odd
2-24-20 1. From UM III Ch 15 and Practice (593-688). pg 609-610 do # 1-35odd
2-13-20 1. From UM III Ch 15 and Practice (593-688). pg 600-601 do # 1,5,11,15,19,23,25
2. From UM III Ch 15 and Practice (593-688). pg 605 do # 1-7 odd, 9,17,19,21
3. Continuing working on problem set 12
2-12-20 1. From UM III Ch 13-14 (517-592) written exercises do pg 525-526 #1-10,19-31
2. Start working on problem set 12
2-5-20 Complete "A2CC RSH Transformation of functions homework3"
Continue working on problem set 11
2-4-20 Complete "A2CC RSH Transformation of functions homework2"
Begin problem set 11
2-3-20 From "A2CCRSH Inverse of functions homework" do even problems
1-31-20 From "A2CCRSH Inverse of functions homework" do odd problems
1-30-20 Complete A2CCRH Even and Odd functions and some * For question 16, you need only give the domain*
1-29-20 From Intro to functions pages 94-96 do # 51-60, 67,69,71,73,82,83
1-28-20 From Intro to functions pages 92-94 do # 1-9,25-35,43-49,61,63 (all odd)
1-15-20 Complete "A2CCRSH Solving Absolute value equations and inequalities 3"
1-14-20 From "A2CCRSH Solving Absolute value equations and inequalities 2" do #1-8
1-13-20 From "A2CCRSH Solving Absolute value equations and inequalities" do the odd problems
1-8-20 From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092) on page 35, do # 15-25odd, 41-57odd
1-7-20 Finish "Absolute value -- piecewise and solving practice"
Finish problem set 10
1-6-20 From "Absolute value -- piecewise and solving practice" do evens
12-18-19 1. From Conic Sections unit on pg. 189-190 do # 37-55 odd
2. Keep working on problem set 10
3. Finish #1-10 from AMC 10B 2019
12-17-19 1. From Conic Sections unit on pg. 183-184 do # 1-31odd
2. Start working on problem set 10
3. Start working on #1-10 from AMC 10B 2019
12-14-19 1. From Conic Sections unit on pg. 177-178 do # 1-11odd, 17,21,23
2. From Conic Sections unit on pg. 188-189 do # 19,21,33
3. Finish problem set 9
4. Try #1-10 from AMC 10B 2019
12-13-19 12-12-19 Finish working on problem set 9
12-11-19 Study for Test tomorrow
12-10-19 1. From Conic Sections unit on pg 188-189 do 13-35 odd
2. Prepare questions for Q&A tomorrow
3. Continue working on problem set 9
12-9-19 1. Complete "A2CCRSH Equations of parabolas homework"
2. Start working on problem set 9
12-6-19 Complete "polynomials -- writing equations"
12-5-19 Do # 1-12 AMC 10A 2019
12-4-19 1. From UM II Ch 11-12 (427-518). page 494-495, do written exercises # 3,5,11,15,29,33,37
2. Finish problem set 8
12-3-19 1. Complete "Sketching Polys" do odd problems
2. Continue problem set 8
12-2-19 1. From "Sketching Polys" do odd problems
2. Start problem set 8
11-27-19 Complete "Polynomial and Rational Inequalities (1 Variable) homework"
11-18-19 1. From "Rational root theorem homework" do odd problems
11-15-19 1. Finish "Polynomial practice 1"
2. Finish "Sum and Product of Roots homework"
3. Finish problem set 7
11-14-19 1. From "Polynomial practice 1" do #12
2. From "Sum and Product of Roots homework" do all odd problems
3. Continue working on problem set 7
11-13-19 1. From "Polynomial practice 1" do #1-8,11
2. Start problem set 7
11-12-19 1. From "Remainder Theorem" do #1-14
2. Finish problem set 6
11-8-19 1. Complete polynomial division 3 see answers in handouts folder
2. Read Synthetic division by nonlinear factors (article is in handouts folder)
3. Start working on problem set 6
11-7-19 Complete "polynomial division 2 homework"
11-6-19 From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092). on page 67, do # 5,11,13,15,19,21
11-4-19 From UM III Ch 03-04 (093-169). page 104 # 7,17,19,23,33,39,41
11-1-19 From UM III Ch 11-12 (429-516). on p.501-502 do # 3a,3c,7a,7b,7d,11
10-31-19 From UM III Ch 11-12 (429-516). on p.507-508 do # 9, 29,31,33,39,43,45,47,53
10-28-19 1. Complete "Completing the Square" -- Check your answers
2. Prepare questions for Q&A tomorrow
10-25-19 From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092). on page 80-82, do # 13,17,23,25,27,29,37,41 (read example on p.81 for help with 37)
10-23-19 Study for test tomorrow
10-22-19 1. Complete "Factoring practice"
2. Come with questions for Q&A tomorrow
10-21-19 From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092). on page 77 do # 5-25 odd
10-18-19 1. From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092). on page 70-71 do # 31,33,37
2. From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092). on page 74-75 do # 3,21,27,31,33,35,37
Finish working on problem sets 5
10-17-19 From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092). on page 70-71 do # 5,15,23,35
Continue working on problem sets 5
10-16-19 1. From "Factoring problems" do # 68,69,73,79,80
2. From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092). on page 57-58, do # 31,37,41,45,50,52,54,56
3. Start working on problem set 5
10-15-19 1. From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092). on page 57-58, do # 33,35,39,47,49,51,53,57
2. From Factoring problems do # 69,73,78
3. Finish working on problem set 4
10-11-19 From "Factoring problems" do # 2,7,22,23,27,28,29,30,34,37,38,52,62,67,70
Check your answers.
10-10-19 Start on problem set 4
10-8-19 1. From UM III Ch 03-04 (093-169). page 107-108 # 5,9,13,15,21,23,29,31,35,41
2. From UM III Ch 03-04 (093-169). page 111 # 5,9,13,17,19,21,25,29,31
10-4-19 Study for Test on Monday, Oct.7th
10-3-19 From "A2 RSH Solving exponential and power equations" do # 10-13,16,17,20,23,26,29,32
10-2-19 From "A2 RSH Solving exponential and power equations" do # 1-4, 19,22,25, 34-37
Finish working on problem set 3
9-27-19 1. From UM III Ch 01-02 (001-092). on page 49-50, do #1-39 odd
2. From UM III Ch 09-10 (345-428). on page 348-349, do # 1-27odd,59,61
9-26-19 From Text, do:
1. pg.469 # 14.2.1, 14.2.2a, 14.2.4
2. pg.473 # 14.3.2
3. pg. 474 # 14.16a,14.16b,14.18
Continue working on problem set 3
9-25-19 Complete "Fun with radicals"
9-24-19 1. From UM III Ch 03-04 (093-169) do p.100-101#41,45,64,65,66,71
2. From your text: p.473#14.3.1a,c
Continue working on problem set 3
9-23-19 From UM III Ch 03-04 (093-169) do
1. p.97 # 27,31,39,41
2. p.100-101 # 25,27,35,67,69,77
9-20-19 From UM III Ch 03-04 (093-169) do
1. p.97 # 7,11,17,23,33,37,43,47
2. p.100-101 # 3,11,21,23,35,59,61,63
Start working on problem set 3
9-18-19 Study for test tomorrow
9-17-19 1. How many factors of 600 are:
a) even b) multiples of four
c) multiples of 10 d) multiples of nine ?
2. What is the smallest two-digit number with the most unique,
positive factors? What about three-digit numbers?
9-16-19 1. Find the prime factorization of:
a) 180 b) 500 c) 9500
2. Finish working on problem set 2
9-13-19 Complete "A2RSH Common Core probability homework 2"
9-12-19 Complete "A2RSH Common Core probability homework 1"
9-11-19 From UM II Ch 13-14 (519-599) do:
1. p.544-547 # 1,7,11,13,17,23,25,29,31,33,37,41,47,49
9-10-19 Start working on problem set 2
9-9-19 From UM II Ch 13-14 (519-599) do:
1. p.531 # 49
2. p.536 # 13,14,23,24,25
3. p.540-541 # 1,7,21,23,25,27,31,33,37,41,45
Keep working on problem set 1
9-5-19 From UM II Ch 13-14 (519-599) do:
1. p.530-531 #29-39odd,44-48
2. p.536 # 8,12,13,20,22
3. p.541 # 35
Start (continue) working on problem set 1 due Tuesday, Sept. 10th -- see folder in google drive
9-4-19 From UM II Ch 13-14 (519-599) do:
1. p.522 #5-8,12
2. p.525-526 (written exercises) # 1-43odd
3. Check Answers
9-3-19 1. Complete and sign the course requirement sheet
2. Complete "A2RSH Set Notation"